How do I create an account?
the link or click on “My account” in the upper right corner and then click on “Register” in the pop-up window. There are two ways of registration:
- Via the social network. Choose the social network available for registration, specify the login and password of access to your account and you will be automatically registered on our site.
- Fill in the form fields: name, surname, email, phone number and enter the desired password.
If you have previously placed an order on, please log in before creating new orders.
How do I log in?
If you already have an account on, follow
the link or click on “My account” in the upper right corner and then click on “Log in” in the pop-up window. Сhoose one of the ways to log in:
- Via the social network. If you used this method for registration or creation of orders, press the button of corresponding social network.
- By means of SMS. Write the phone number, specified in your account information, and receive a message with a confirmation code.
- Enter an email and password of your account on the website (this information is sent to the specified email during the first registration or creation of the first order).
If you are experiencing difficulties creating an account/logging in, please read the article
about authorisation problems.
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